Daily coffee use reduces the risk of heart disease. Such a connection was revealed by Professor Center for Hearts and Vessels of the University of Ambolweiss in Hungary, Judit Simon, his study was published on the Medical News portal, RIA Novosti reports.
So, for example, people who drink three cups of coffee per day the risk of death from a heart attack below by 21 percent, from other cardiovascular diseases – by 17 percent.
468 thousand people aged 56 took part in the study. They were divided into three groups: in the first there were those who do not drink coffee regularly, in the second – people who drink up to three cups per day, and those who drink more than three cups of coffee every day.
Focus group analyzes were studied for 10-15 years. Factors such as sex, weight, growth, bad habits, sports, as well as consumption of vegetables, fruits and meat are taken into account.
Previously, British and German scientists revealed that the use of food rich foods has a positive effect on the blood pressure level. Day consumption of 1.6 servings (128 grams) of berries was associated with an average decrease in blood pressure by 4.1 millimeters of mercury pillars, and 2.8 glasses (about 360 milliliters) of red wine – by 3.7 millimeters of mercury pillar.