First time on first course

In the target set from the State Rocket Center named after Akademika V. P. Makeev (GRC, part of the state corporation “Roskosmos”) 23 young men and girls became students of the South Ural State University.

Four of them will comprehend the basics of engineering specialties in the head university and 19 – in the Mias branch. Wishing to take advantage of the priority right to enter the university was twice as much. We were lucky to those who have more points on the exam. The top turned out to be a bar in 267 points, the middle score -197.

As in previous years, the competition of Miass asbaters amounted to their purposeful peers from other cities and regions of the region and even the Krasnodar Territory. Before the beginning of the school year, they all gathered together for an organizational information meeting organized by the personnel service of the enterprise.

Deputy General Director for Human Resources – Head of Personnel Service Irina Gotman congratulated the guys with enrollment to the university, advised them from the first days to focus on study and expressed the hope that, having received the diplomas of engineers, the same composition they would come to work in the GRC. Then the engineer of the 1st category of personnel service Angela Konovalova, which is best known to the targets, as it is with them in touch all the years from enrollment until the end of the university, armed the new students with all the necessary information.

Handing the guys to the student life, the company will now closely monitor their success, organize practices, to help them in every way, including materially, in the form of an additional scholarship.

Together with good wishes, the meeting participants received a gift from GRC.

/Media reports.