WEB-browser author mypal , developing Pale Moon for the Windows XP platform, created after stopping the support of this OS in the release of PALE Moon 27.0, announced About the termination of the further development of the project for requirement Pale Moon developers.
Pale Moon’s Home Claim The FEODOR2, MyPal Developer, did not attach the source codes to a specific release, offering to search in the repository on Github the code of the time interval when the release was made, thereby, according to the developers of Pale Moon By violating the Mozilla Public License conditions. Since the incident has already paid attention to this incident, this time FEODOR2 cannot use a 30-day period of eliminating disorders provided in MPL.
In the opinion of some supporters of MyPal, Pale Moon accusations are based on the wrong interpretation of the MPL license, which is not violated, since in fact the code code is provided in the repository and the license requirements for the opening of arbitrary work code are observed. Moreover, in the end, the author of mypal took the note and not how many days ago organized the assignment of tags relills to identify them in the repository (earlier build Formed as sections of a continuously updated repository).
It can also be noted that the termination of the development of MyPal is the culmination of the long-standing conflict of the author of the project with M. Tobin , which is among the main developers of Pale Moon. Last year, M. Tobin has achieved a blockage of users of the MYPAL forka users to the catalog of addons.palemoon.org add-ons due to discontent because the fork developers parasitize on the Pale Moon infrastructure and the project resources without permission, do not try to negotiate and find a mutually beneficial option. cooperation.