The Russian Fifth Generation Fighter SU-75 will be created without attracting foreign investment. About this RIA Novosti told the head of the Ministry of Industry Denis Manturov.
According to him, already overwhelming budget with the participation of the programs of the Ministry of Industry and Communist Party of Rostech and the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), and is absolutely independent of foreign customers. At the same time, the Minister noted that foreign participation in creating a light tactical aircraft (LTS), known as Checkmate (Shah and Mat) and Su-75, is not excluded.
Manturov suggested that foreigners can pay for the creation of a double version of the aircraft. He explained that the LTS primarily focuses on deliveries to foreign markets, and potential buyers have a request for such a version of the fighter.
In July, “Rostech” presented LTS at the 2021 International Aviation and Space Salon (MAKS-21). According to the head of the state corporation, Sergey Chezzov, a single-engine tactical fighter, the model of which was presented at the MACC-2021, will cost from $ 25 to 30 million. According to the head of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), Yuri Slyusar, shown at the cabin, the aircraft is a model that will fly in 2023.