Sber initiated creation in Russia ESG Alliance

President, Chairman of the Board of Sber Herman Gref offered to spend the first ESG Alliance Conference in October with the participation of Russian companies that are ready to become his founders. The initiative was announced within the panel session of the Solve within the WEF-2021.

“Perhaps to make an initiative about creating an ESG alliance in the country. We are ready to collect a conference from companies in October who wondered who would like to participate in this,” he said. The head of Sale believes that the Alliance could be a platform for achieving agreements on promising development paths both between business and state and globally.

Herman Gref also believes that for green transformation, we need to think of decades’ categories. “You need to comprehensively discuss the topic, coming to some compromises and points of view. And then starting to act,” he is sure.

Head of Sberbank is confident that green transformation can become not only a challenge for Russia, but also the ability to further development. For example, a country could use the potential of the sun and wind, initiate an increase in the absorption ability of forests and the creation of a system for taking greenhouse gas emissions. Other important aspects are the preservation of leadership in terms of the construction of a nuclear power plant, an energy efficiency increase program and export potential in promising industries – for example, in terms of hydrogen.

“This is what exactly will be in demand all over the world, we do not need to be outsiders, it is better to be among the leaders,” he summarized.

/Media reports.