US: invented a way to stop wave of incidents with shooting

San Francisco City Authorities (California, USA) conceived to pay to their inhabitants so that those stop shooting each other. About such a way to stop the wave of incidents with shooting, an overlapping city, reports the issue of Daily Mail.

For this program, people are in the high risk zone of the crime. Among them are former criminals and persons who came out of prison on conditionally early liberation. They will pay 300 dollars if they promise to no one to shoot, and another $ 200 if they find work and will attend meetings of the help groups of criminals.

The program will include ten suitable applicants who will be paid to pay the scholarship. In addition to potential criminals and recidivists, they will be able to calculate those who risk being shot, for example, in conflict with firearms.

According to Daily Mail, in the first half of 2021, 119 crimes were committed in San Francisco using firearms, which is twice as many than in the same period of 2020. At the same time, California will become the first state of the United States, in which they will start paying addicts if they promise not to use substances.

/Media reports.