Detected method of protection against postpathic syndrome

Receiving two doses of the vaccine almost half reduces the risk of postponical syndrome in the infected SARS-COV-2 people, found out researchers from the UK. The work of scientists was published in the magazine The Lancet Infectious Diseases.

Researchers from the Royal College of London analyzed the data of 1.2 million COVID Symptom Study users who reported one dose of Astrazeneca, Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, and 971.5 thousand people who received the second dose, from December 2020 to July 2021 of the year. COVID-19 sick six thousand people who received one dose – 0.5 percent – and 2370 people having two components of the drug (0.2 percent).

Getting two doses by 73 percent reduced the risk of hospitalization and 31 percent – the risk of developing sharp symptoms. At the same time, infected symptoms are the loss of smell, sneezing, cough, headaches – as a whole were softer compared to undaccined participants from control groups. The risk of postponical syndrome (the emergence of long-term symptoms of the disease) has decreased in such people almost half – by 47 percent. At the same time, researchers emphasize that the risk of infection after vaccination was higher in the elderly and residents of disadvantaged areas.

/Media reports.