Preparatory work on the Russian-Chinese wide-body Far-High-power CR929 aircraft completed, the production of the first instance started. It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the “Jefan Siboo” edition.
According to the agency, earlier chief engineer for promising research of the Chinese Civil Aviation Corporation (COMAC) Yang Zhigan stated that the assembly of the aircraft will begin this year. The beginning of the assembly of the first aircraft, according to him, means that all the design work was completed, the parties agreed on the main parameters of the aircraft and were determined with the suppliers.
In July 2020, the CEO “Corporation” Irkut “” Ravil Khakimov said that the first shipments of the CR929 aircraft should begin in 2028-2029.
In 2018, The Paper portal with reference to Yana Chegg was wrote that the first flight CR929 will be held in about 2025. Then Zhigan noted that the aircraft will meet all the necessary technical requirements of the market, and when it is created, the most advanced composite materials and high-tech solutions will be used.
also reported that CR929 project operator is CRAIC (China-Russia Commercial Aircraft International Corporation). The creation of a joint venture “Joint Aviation Corporation” and COMAC was announced in May 2017 in Shanghai (China).