Convicted ex-president South Africa freed from punishment

Former President of South Africa 79-year-old Jacob Zuma, sentenced to the 15th months of prison for disrespecting for the court, ahead of schedule freed from punishment for health. This was announced by the Enca TV channel, referring to the statement of the Department of Correctional Agencies of South Africa.

The decision on the conditionally early release (parole) of the convicted person is accepted on the basis of the medical conclusion obtained by the Department. There noted that all criminals have the right to exemption from punishment for medical testimony.

On August 6, Zuyu was transferred from prison to a military hospital, whose doctors had surgery. The essence of surgical intervention is not disclosed. The lawyers of the former head of state filed a petition about the Udo.

Former President South Africa began to serve his punishment on July 8. The court sentenced him to 15 months of conclusion for disrespecting for the court, expressed in refusal to testify regarding the facts of corruption that took place during his presidency from 2009 to 2018. Zuma categorically rejected all the court charges, comparing the process with “trilling apartheid times.” After the sentence of the sentence, thousands of supporters of the zoom came to unauthorized protests that turned the mass riots.

Currently, at the Supreme Court, the province of Quadzha-Natal is underway over the zoom on charges of corruption, fraud, rack and legalizing illegally earned funds in the 90s of the defense contract. Nearest hearings should take place on September 9.

/Media reports.