Montenegrin police arranged allocation of nationalists using a tear gas

Montenegro police used tear gas to overclock the demonstration of nationalists in the city of Cetin. This is reported by the portal Vijesti.

The right arranged a protest action against the introngtion of the Metropolitan of the Montenegrin-Primorsky John the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC). The ceremony was supposed to go to the Cetie monastery. The nationalists gathered at 6 am Moscow time in the Palace Square in Cetina and began to throw the police with bottles and stones.

In response, law enforcement officers applied tear gas. This forced protesters to split into small groups and leave the square. According to the IN4S television channel, the leadership against Metropolitan Ioanniki was carried out by the adviser to the President of Montenegro Velin Veelovich.

previously became known that Chernogorsk nationalists opposed the intention of the hierarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, as they consider the last conductor of Belgrade’s interests on their territory.

On September 4, the right-wing blocked the entrances to Cetina, began to pierce the police cordons in the city center. On September 5, according to local media, for the suppression of protests, additional police forces are sent to Cetin. The situation in Montenegro caused concerns to the UN,

/Media reports.