In Kabul, the group of women tried to hold a protest action with the requirement to comply with their rights and freedom by representatives of the Taliban Radical Group (prohibited in Russia), which almost completely captured power in Afghanistan. It is reported by TV channel Tolo News.
According to the source, the college demanded equality, as well as the possibility of being presented in the future of the Afghan government. They also wanted to defend women’s rights to education and work in all spheres. During the promotion, women tried to go to the presidential palace, but the Taliban applied a tear gas against them.
On September 2, similar rallies were held in Kabul and the Afghan city of Herat, at which activists demanded to allow women to enter the government of Afghanistan.
According to UN human rights defenders, the situation with the rights of Afghanistan residents is currently extremely heavy. They are beaten out on the street, prohibit go to schools and kidnap. From August 25, the Taliban banned women to leave the house, as it is dangerous for life, health and freedom.
In August, it became known that the Taliban commanders demand from the elders in the captured areas of unmarried girls and women in order to raise them to marry their soldiers. Previously, the norm concerned unmarried women aged 15 to 45 years, now in sexual slavery and 12-year-old girls fall into sexual slavery. This is due to Taliban attempts to return to hard Islamic orders.