Tesla electropride output

Tesla will not have time to release the Cybertruck electric pickup until 2022. It is reported by ELECTREK Edition.

According to a friend with a source situation, Tesla “reluctant” recognized that Cybertruck power supply could not be released on time. Now the head of Ilon Mask said that the start of the mass production of the pickup was postponed until 2023. At the same time, in early August, Tesla first recognized the fact of a breakdown and reported that the production of the electric car was postponed until 2022.

Mask told its employees that the delay is again due to the complex situation in the semiconductor market. Tesla also collided with some difficulties at startup due to some features of Cybertrack. In particular, the car has a steel housing of an exoskeleton, which requires completely new production processes.

In a conversation with employees, the head of Tesla noted that in an electric pickup so many new technologies that production will be very difficult to increase production. “It will be a special project. Like a failure in the” matrix “. As if Neo had a car,” described Cybertrack Ilon Mask.

In early September, it became known that the yield of the fastest electric car Tesla will not be held on time. Answering the questions of Twitter users, Mask said that Tesla Roadster would be purchased no earlier than 2023.

/Media reports.