Published Release of a specialized distribution kit Tails 4.22 (The Amnesic Incognito Live System) based on the Debian batch database and intended to provide anonymous access to the network. Anonymous output in Tails is provided by the TOR system. All connections, in addition to traffic via TOR network, are blocked by a packet filter by default. To store user data in the user data saving mode between starts, encryption is used. To download, ISO image , capable of working in Live mode, size 1.1 GB. In the new version, changes are made to the Tor Connection Wizard (Tor Connection), which allows you to connect from censored networks through bridge gateways to bypass blocking. In the new version, it was possible to save in the constant repository of the selected bridge gateway, as well as manual time adjustment in the event of a connection to TOR connection via bridge gateways using OBFS4. On the pages displayed in errors, a button has been added to perform a repeat attempt to connect to Tor.

Tails 4.22 also offers new versions of Tor Browser 10.5.6, Thunderbird 78.13 and firmware for GPU AMD (20210818). The restart of TOR stopped after leaving the Unsafe Browser used to access resources on the local network. Added checking the download of automatically installed updates from the working mirror. The composition includes a version of the documentation in Russian.