In the camp, Borisov, Belarusian security forces dispersed the collection of people practicing Buddhist meditation. This is reported by the publication “MediaZona Belarus”.
According to one of the participants in the event, in the morning of September 5, he, together with the rest of meditating, Vipassana practiced, but two people were declared in the caps with the image of the Belarus flag and 10-15 policemen with batons.
about 70 people participated in meditations, including foreign citizens. All their law enforcement officers were collected in the same room, after which the organizers and foreigners were taken to the district police station, where they asked about what was happening in the camp.
Later Siloviki released all participants in the event and strongly recommended them to leave the camp within three hours to avoid “problems”. According to the interlocutor of the publication, the organizers were drawn up protocols under Article 24.23 (“Violation of the Organization or Mass Events”) Code of Belarus.
In May in Minsk, law enforcement officers detained the participant of the MINSK Fixed Gear cycling race for a t-shirt with the inscription “Dictator Place in Belek” and the portrait of President Alexander Lukashenko. Together with him at the start of the arrival were detained by another 20 cyclists. Later, they were accused of carrying out unauthorized events and gave them 15 days of arrest, and against the men in a T-shirt with Lukashenko also opened a criminal case about insulting the president.