Specialists of the East Space Center (a branch of the center of exploitation of land-based space infrastructure facilities is part of the Roskosmos State Corporation) with the support of Rosmolodezh visited the Eastern Economic Forum – 2021, which was held on 2-4 September 2021 in the city of Vladivostok.
In the framework of the “youthful day”, the branch specialists took part in the conferences “How Youth Humanistic Values will work: the view of the horizon”, “the Far East changes. Benchmark transformation of the territories of the Far East with the participation of young people” and “the advice of young scientists of the Far East: Regional and federal communications. “
This is the VI Forum, organized in the Far East. The topic of 2021 is “new opportunities of the Far East in a changing world.” The eastern cosmodrome is one of the iconic and large-scale projects implemented on this territory.