in the city of Izhevsk on the basis of the Kalashnikov Academy are waiting for future cosmos conquers. From the new school year, schoolchildren will be able to choose the direction “Cosmos” in their interest.
The curriculum for him was created by young scientists of Udmurtia and Roskosmos professionals. Future students are waiting for an interesting theory and solving the tasks that are facing real space engineers: 3D modeling in the compass 3D environment, programming microcontrollers, work with Cubesat type designers and laboratory equipment, work with a station reception station “Blind” and much more . Educational disciplines are designed for schoolchildren from 14 years with good knowledge of physics, computer science and mathematics at the level of 7-8 class.
The direction “Cosmos” appeared during the implementation of a joint agreement between the Government of Udmurtia and the state corporation “Roskosmos”. Its main goal is to popularize engineering specialties, which are in demand at the enterprises of the state corporation, the development of interest in the schoolchildren of interest in modern technologies.
Roscosmos State Corporation, since 2016, the Industrial Partner of the Federal Network of Children’s Technoparks “Kwwantorium” and supports the profile direction of “Cosmokvantum”, which became a unique educational environment for accelerated development on current research and engineering and technical directions in the interests of organizations Rocket and space industry, as well as the implementation of scientific and educational programs, projects and events.