Full girl pulled shorts purchased on net and launched subscribers

Pretty Little Thing Fashionable Brand Client bought clothes online and launched network users. On the video published in her Tiktok account drew attention to Daily Star.

Heather (Heather) placed in the network (Heather) demonstrated new bicycle shorts of black with PLT inscriptions on the hips. The girl pulled them to the chest and pointed out that the size of the new clothes was too big. “The girl in the photo on the brand website looked amazing in these shorts. Now take a look at me,” she jokingly commented on the roller, scored 617.4 thousand views.

Heather’s subscribers launched her publication. “It looks more like a jumpsuit”, “they raised a high landing on a completely new level”, “You made my day!”, “It’s very funny!”, “I will explode from laughter!” – They wrote.

In August, XL shorts were small to the client of a popular brand and brought it out of themselves. The 21-year-old Chloe-Mae (Chloe-Mae) explained that it usually buys sized clothes M, and this time ordered online blue denim shorts. In order not to make a mistake with the planting new clothes, it added to the basket two more pairs of shorts of size L and XL. When the girl received an order and started fitting, all shorts were small to her, including the XL size thing.

/Media reports.