In Thailand, mass protests began again due to the deterioration of the situation with coronavirus. It is reported by the New York Times.
Thousands of locals went to the streets and accused the authorities in ineffective measures to combat pandemic. They called for the resignation of the Prime Minister of Prauta Chan-Faracy for the fact that his government did not cope with the crisis. “People have long known how incompetent this government. COVID-19 is just another proof,” said one of the participants in the shares.
Law enforcement officers applied tear gas to overclock demonstrators. They also opened fire with rubber bullets on them.
In Thailand, more than 12 thousand people died from the beginning of a pandemic from the complications of the virus. The epidemiological situation has greatly hit the country’s economy. At the same time, the authorities lack resources to combat the spread of infection, and vaccination is slow pace.
In early August, the citizens of Thailand were already out of protests due to the coronavirus environment. Then they reached the residence of the Prime Minister and threw it with Petardians. During the riots, tough clashes of demonstrators with law enforcement officers took place. Bangkok authorized hundreds of police officers to ensure the rule of law on mass promotions.