Locality residents with high air pollution risks to be more often hospitalized with COVID-19. Such a conclusion is called British researchers in the report created by order of the Greater London administration.
Scientists from the Imperial College of London analyzed data 34 studies on the connection of air quality with COVID-19 and other pulmonary infections. It turned out that the prolonged effect of polluted air is associated with an increased risk of coronavirus infection. In addition, it was found that air pollution enhances the severity of COVID-19. This is noted by experts, it may be due to the connection between the poor air quality and diseases of the lungs and hearts. Researchers managed to show the relationship between staying in areas with elevated air pollution and hospitalization in people who have become infected with COVID-19.
At the same time, scientists did not find evidence that suspended particles play an important role in distributing SARS-COV-2, as some researchers believed.