Showed signs of coming eruptions in “hot spots”

Geologists from Australia, Spain and Chile have shown that volcanoes under the so-called “hot spots” have a complex structure and that changes in the composition and concentration of their melts are signs of imminent eruption. Article international team of researchers published in the journal Geology.

The researchers analyzed collected is part of the Canary archipelago island of El Hierro samples of volcanic rocks. The new data is then combined with geochemical information on the island, including a submarine eruptions in 2011 and 2012. It revealed the development “pipeline system” volcano, which caused many minerals in the magma crystallized. They processed the rising magma – which is why it seems to be the chemical composition of the “depth”. Thus, a few kilometers beneath volcanoes melts are highly eruptive.

“Close monitoring volcanoes can show when magma reaches the bottom, the filtering process reaches the” break point “, resulting eruption results. (Research – approx.” “) support the hypothesis that the detection magma at the boundary of the cortex and mantle may be indicative of an impending eruption, “- said one of the researchers, the University of Queensland Teresa Oubida. The researchers tested their hypothesis on some other oceanic volcanoes in the hot spots, “in particular, in Hawaii.

/Media reports.