US President Joe Biden in circulation to citizens said that the most prosperous Americans are not paying billions of dollars of taxes and urged to pay an “honest share”, like mid-class people. His words lead RIA Novosti.
“Lead 1 percent evasion from 160 billion dollars of taxes, which they must pay every year. I’m not going to punish anyone, I am a capitalist. If you can earn a million or a billion dollars, bless you. All I ask you: Pay honest share, how do the middle class people make. But now it does not happen, “said Biden.
According to him, regulatory authorities have no specific data on the earnings of the rich, because of which they cannot say whether those from paying taxes are shy.
previously became known that the Democrats from the US House of Representatives of the US Houses made a maximum corporate tax rate to 26.5 percent. Politicians also count on the introduction of taxes on cryptocurrency and tobacco to cover the cost of financing the presidential plan Joe Bayden to restore the economy by 3.5 trillion.