Product deficits forced Britain to postpone the introduction of new requirements for imports from the European Union (EU). To cope with the lack of goods in stores, the United Kingdom has postponed the beginning of the border checks from January to July 2022. This was announced by the Special Representative of the British Premiere of Negotiations with the EU on Brexitis David Frost, whose words lead Bloomberg.
Importers should also start notifying border guards about the arrival of food and provide additional documents. To implement these rules will also begin only in July 2022. “We want a business to focus on restoring after a pandemic, and did not come across new requirements on the border,” Frost told. – Enterprises will now have more time to prepare for new measures. “
New import checks would be an additional load on supply chains at a time when retailers are looking for ways to combat the deficit of goods. The EU is the largest trade partner of the United Kingdom, and about 30 percent of all foods consumed in the United Kingdom comes from the block countries.
However, imported goods from the EU still must be accompanied by declarations, and new requirements for their design come into force on January 1, 2022. The logistics industry of Great Britain warned that there are not enough specialists in the European Union to provide the necessary documents, and the infrastructure of British ports is not ready for additional customs inspections.
Delivery chain interruptions occurred due to local locked lockers associated with new flares of coronavirus, and the exit of Britain from the EU. For example, truck drivers faced difficulties in obtaining workers visas. The deficit of truckers led to the fact that the Scots had to throw out food, as it was no one to put it with customers. The government tried to get out of the crisis, weakening the requirements for obtaining a driver’s license, but not all policies agreed with the effectiveness of this method. Employees lack in other areas that inhibits the restoration of the British economy.