Delegates at the 6th Eastern Economic Forum (WEF) in 2021 spent twice as many mobile Internet than two years ago – on the fifth WEF. This follows from the study conducted by the Beeline. Analytics service, which looked at how the consumption of mobile Internet has changed during the WEF in 2019 and in 2021, and also analyzed who more spoke on the phone during the forum – men or women.
According to the analytical service, the traffic of mobile Internet at the WEF this year grew more than 2 times in comparison with 2019th year. Most of all traffic this time had been on men – they spent 25 percent more gigabytes than women, whereas in 2019 this difference was almost 40 percent.
The most active consumers of the mobile Internet at WEF in 2019 were users aged 25 to 45 years old (47 percent), in second place customers from the category of 45-65 years (25 percent), the third line in those who for 65 (25 percent), and people under 25 on 4 positions with 3 percent. In 2021, the situation changed a little. The most actively used users aged 25 to 45 years old (39 percent), but in second place already category 65+ (37 percent), in third place are customers aged 45 to 65 years (22 percent), and Fourth place remained for those who have no 25 years old (2 percent).
As for voice calls, on average this year on the forum to call steel by 10 percent less than in 2019. Men, as two years ago, talked by phone by 20 percent more women. Most of all used the voice communication people aged 25 to 45 years, and the less of all used this format of communication, those who are less than 25.