Semen Alekseevich Lavochkin – Outstanding Creator of Aviation and Rocket Technology

Today, September 11, 2021, it turns 121 from the birth of an outstanding constructor of Aviation and Rocket Technology Semen Alekseevich Lavochkina. The memory of him lives not only in the name of Roscosmos enterprise, but also in the hearts of many generations “Lavochk citizens”.

Semyon Alekseevich Lavochkin – a vivid example of a man of broad erudition, a high-class specialist and a manager. The reasonable-innovative style of work, encouraged by Semen Alekseevich, became a “calling card” of the design team headed by him.

For two decades (from 1939 to 1960), the experimental design bureau from a small group of designers turned into one of the largest and best aviation-rocket KB of the country, headed by Semen Lavochkoy. Under the leadership of Seeds Alekseevich Lavochkina, more than 30 types of aircraft were developed and built, of which 10 were produced serial, and more than 20 types of unmanned aerial vehicles. Many of these samples had a priority for the country’s defense.

The richest experience accumulated over the decades of space activity by replacing each other by the generations of “Lavochk citizens”, the highest intellectual potential of the modern “design school S.A. Lavochkin”, developed by his followers G.N. Babakin, S.S. Kryukov, V.M. Kovtunenko, S.D. Kulikov et al. And are now actively involved in many major areas of the federal space program.

For all the successes, the Scientific and Production Association named after S.A. Lavochkina (today is part of the state corporation “Roskosmos”), its modern achievements and confident positions in the industry is the colossal labor and high professionalism of the founder of the original design team. More than 80 years ago, a solid foundation for professional knowledge was laid and a considerable path was passed: from the establishment of an enterprise, the introduction of innovative design solutions to the realities of the most complex technique. All labor and life path S.A. Lavochkina is an example of conscientious ministry homeland.

Semyon Lavochkin – Major General of the Engineering and Aviation Service (1944), twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1943, 1956), Winner of the USSR State Prize (1941, 1943, 1946, 1948). Awarded three orders of Lenin, the orders of the Red Banner, Suvorov of the 1st and 2nd degree, medals.

The name of Lavochkina is wearing a scientific and manufacturing association formed on the basis of the OKB, which he led. His bronze busts are installed in Smolensk and Moscow. The name of the aircraft designer is called streets in Moscow, Smolensk, Khimki of the Moscow region. Moscow installed a memorial plaque on the house where he lived.

/Media reports.