Surviving 9/11 terrorist attack accused US authorities in indifference to victim

US authorities are responsible for what happened with thousands of residents of New York as a result of terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. After the collapse of the Turks of the World Trade Center in the air contained hazardous substances, fatal for people, and many Americans collided with terrible diseases. This was told about this “” surviving in the terrorist attack, lawyer and member of Ann-Marie Charitable Funds.

For many of those who managed to escape on the day of the tragedy, which happened to the terrible consequences for health – the development of cancer, problems with breathing, panic attacks. The area where the World Trade Center was located, which was attacked by terrorists, was contaminated. However, the Agency for Environmental Protection (EPA) assured local residents that the air is safe, reminded the principle.

“the authorities actually kicked people there, where the tragedy happened to the lives … How little to treat the lives of hundreds of thousands of people as possible?” – An American indignant. She noted that statistics say about the scale of the tragedy, according to which 400 thousand people said about complications for health.

On September 11, 2001, terrorists captured four passenger aircraft, made attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York and on the Pentagon building, another liner fell into the field in Pennsylvania. As a result of terrorist attacks, which later began to call 9/11, almost three thousand people were killed, more than six thousand were injured.

/Media reports.