Spouses of servicemen undergoing a contract under a contract in a foreign country, have established new monthly child care benefits. The corresponding order of Mintruda entered into force on September 11, writes “Parliamentary newspaper.”
The benefit will receive Russian families with a child under the age of one and a half years. The amount of payments will be 40 percent of the average parental earnings. The manual charges mother, father or other person who actually cares for the child.
In addition, provisions were adjusted for benefits that are paid during pregnancy and childbirth. From July 1, one-time payments were monthly. They can count on women who are registered in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, with the family income below the regional subsistence minimum.
Previously, the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Tatiana Golikova called the term of payments by the military. It is expected that new one-time began to enroll this week. Military pensioners and serving in power structures will receive ten thousand rubles, and the current servicemen and security officials – 15 thousand.