The girl showed changes in the shape after childbirth and caused a dispute on the network. On Published in Tiktok, the video drew attention to the Sun.
18-year-old Shannon (Shannon) placed on the network of frames demonstrated its body before and after the birth of the son of Roman (Roman), which has already been five months old. The video shows that before pregnancy, the girl was slim and tightened, and her skin is smooth and smooth. Then the body of the blogger appeared on the frames after childbirth. It is noticeable that she scored a few kilograms, and on her abdomen and backs were formed wide burgundy color stretching.
Shannon explained that she shows her figure to “disseminate bodypositives and broadcast the beauty of bodies after delivery.” The roller became viral and scored 38.4 thousand views. Network users scared the appearance of the girl. “What a horror! I will never give birth to a child”, “it is disgusting,” you could have less and avoid it, “they spoke.
However, most users supported the blogger: “Stretch marks make you even more attractive!”, “You gave birth to a whole person! You need to be proud of your body!”, “You have become even sexy!”, “Magnificent body!”, “You are beautiful in Anyway! “
Earlier in September, Alesya Kafelnikova revealed the truth about the changes in the body after childbirth. A 22-year-old celebrity responded to questions of his subscribers about whether she was going to do the breast surgery after childbirth. According to publications, in the last weeks of pregnancy, the mannequin appeared stretch marks on the chest. In addition, according to her, after the birth of irregularities on the skin it became even more.