Taliban (a terrorist organization forbidden in Russia) will not participate in peace negotiations with resistance without coercion. About this in an interview with RIA Novosti, Ambassador of Afghanistan in Tajikistan Muhammad Zohir Agbar.
According to the diplomat, the Taliban will go to the dialogue with Panjscher if the world community will have pressure on them. “They (Taliban – approx.” Tape.ru “) declare that they came for the world, but they will not go to peace negotiations until the international community continues them,” Agbar said.
Earlier, the ambassador said that the militants of movement intend to kill the leader in the Panjshera Front Resistance to Ahmad Masuda. According to the diplomat, the Taliban will destroy Masud and will not go to negotiations with resistance representatives.
Also Agbar prejudice the distribution of resistance to other provinces of Afghanistan. The ambassador advised Taliban to explore the experience of the Soviet generals who fought in Panjsheter in the 1980s, but could not fully control the region. “Twenty-five years ago, the Taliba captured almost the whole country, but they could not take Panzhecher,” the diplomat concluded.