Coronavirus tied with dangerous complications

US scientists have shown that COVID-19 increases the likelihood of myocarditis development (heart inflammation) 16 times, which is a weighty argument in favor of vaccination. Previously, the connection of myocarditis and pericarditis with Pfizer and Moderna vaccines among men and teenage boys, but complications from coronavirus infection exceed this risk. Briefly about the results of the study describes the press release on MedicalXpress.

In the course of the study, experts analyzed the history of the disease 1.5 million patients with COVID-19 and 35 million patients without coronavirus infection to find out what percentage suffered dangerous complications on the heart. In general, myocarditis was observed quite rarely among people with COVID-19 and without it, but the coronavirus infection was largely related to an increased risk of myocarditis, and the risk varied depending on the age group.

Increased risk of myocarditis among patients with COVID-19 was the most pronounced in persons under the age of 16, which he grew 37 times compared to the people of the same age group, which did not have coronavirus. Although the exact reason for this is not clarified, it can be associated with a viral heart infection or – if the patient’s age is less than 16 years old – with multisystems inflammatory syndrome.

Centers for the control and prevention of diseases (USA) in June came to the conclusion that the advantages of vaccination against COVID-19 outweigh the risks of the caused myocarditis vaccine even in the highest risk group.

/Media reports.