Cardiologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of Missaden, Anna Babalikashvili told in an interview with Radio Sputnik, from which drinks should be abstained after transferred coronavirus infection. She advised some time after the disease, do not drink strong black tea and coffee.
“Strong black tea and coffee can cause tachycardia. After Kovida, and so for a while, shortness of breath can persist, and if the heartbeat is more likely, shortness of breath will be felt stronger. Therefore, regardless of the complexity and severity of the disease, after Covid on what -What period – for 2-3 months – it is desirable to abstain from coffee and strong tea in general, “the doctor warned.
Babalikashvili noted that this Council applies not only to those who hardly moved the disease, and all overwhelmed COVID-19. She clarified that from these drinks it remains for two or three months after suffering infection.
Back opposite board Cardiologist gave relative to green tea. According to her, the drink contains substances perfectly affecting the tone of vessels.
The doctor also warned against a sharp return to the use of black tea and coffee and advised it to do it gradually, starting with one or two cups per day. Moreover, the drink at first should not be firmly brewed, clarified Candidate of Medical Sciences.
Previously, doctors found a special protective mechanism from coronavirus.