Revealing mystery of eruption of volcano on smokers

Russian scientists found out the reason for the eruption of the Raikok volcano in June 2019 on the Kuril Islands. On the disclosure of the mystery of the natural disaster reported in a press release on the SDUNUKI website.rf.

Researchers analyzed samples of the thrown ashes and found that in magma contained some volatile components, which usually lead to an explosive eruption. This led to the assumption that the role of the detonator could play marine water, because when the magma contacts with water or rich rocks, an explosion occurs on the interface border.

According to scientists, the particle size of this eruption was 0.5-0.1 millimeters, which indicates an explosion that could grind magbe and the surrounding age. If the crushing of the magma was due to internal energy, then the particles would be much more. In this case, a large number of volcanic bombs were also observed – magma clots thrown from the crater during an eruption.

The anti-water interaction hypothesis confirms the presence of accretion balls, which are formed in the presence of moisture containing a large amount of salt. Researchers believe that the upper layer of magma was viscous, and the magma’s rising from the bottom was laughed and water in porous rocks at the crater day. Evaporation of water led to the explosion of rocks. Then there was a few more explosions that threw ash in the atmosphere.

/Media reports.