The specialists of the Danish Meteorological Institute tied rain on August 14 in Greenland with an impending catastrophe and critical climate change. It is reported by with reference to the observations of Danish scientists.
According to meteorologists, such a phenomenon can be a sign of global warming.
The preciputes fell out at an altitude of about three thousand meters above sea level, at the highest point of the Greenland ice shield, which may have happened for the first time. An employee of the Danish Meteorological Institute Martin Standel clarified that the rain could only go at temperatures above or slightly below the zero of degrees Celsius, which indicates the danger of increasing the temperature for the second largest ice shield in the world after the Antarctic.
According to experts, in two thousand years, only nine such warms were recorded, and three of them occurred over the past ten years. At the same time, in 2012 and 2019, with rain temperatures in these places, it did not fall out. “We cannot say for sure whether there were precipitation in the previous six times, but such a phenomenon is extremely unlikely,” said Standel.
August 20 reported that in Greenland for the first time in the history of meteorials, it was raining. The reason for the sudden change of the usual for the island of snowfalls on the rain was a record increase in the temperature above zero.
In early August, the Danish researchers found out that the ice shield of Greenland was exposed to a large-scale melting during the next heat wave, when the air temperature rose to ten degrees above seasonal norms. In the north of Greenland, the temperature exceeded 20 degrees Celsius, which is more than twice the normal average summer temperature. Because of this warming, the shield lost in July in July over 8 billion tons of ice.
Greenland’s ice shield is the second largest over the Antarctica mass of freshwater ice on the planet with an area of almost 1.8 million square kilometers. The melting of ice shields began in 1990 and accelerated since 2000.