China’s power will be censored all ever released in Hong Kong movies. It is reported by the newspaper The Guardian.
Checking the released film production in a special administrative area now extends to old movie cornocartins. Hong Kong censors will be viewed all the films for violation of the law on the National Security. “For the mass show of any film created in the past, present or future, the approval of the official bodies will be required,” the Minister of Commerce Edward Yau said.
films that censorship will deerate the threat, banned to a public show. Such a ban can be appealed only through the court, which is a very expensive procedure.
Cultural figures in Hong Kong are dissatisfied with new restrictions, since the law does not contain specifics, which expands its use. “We have a lot of questions. We met with the authorities to ask them about what can be published, and what – no. But we did not receive any specific answer in the administration,” the producer Maibel Chung said.
The public demonstration of prohibited cinema will be punished with imprisonment for up to three years and a fine of 130 thousand dollars. Also, the authorities will be able to withdraw licenses from sites that demonstrate unwanted films.
In June, the largest opposition newspaper of Hong Kong Apple Daily announced the closure. The Security Bureau of Hong Kong accused the executives of the publication in violation of the law “On National Security”, in particular, under the article on communication with foreign states or foreign forces, threatening the state.