Accounts Chamber announced amount of Russian State Department

Russia’s debt in the first half of the first half of 2021 amounted to 20.4 trillion rubles. This is stated in the report of the Accounts Chamber published on its website.

According to preliminary data, the amount of the public debt as of July 1, 2021 amounted to 20,423,507.6 million rubles, which is 17.7 percent of the projected GDP. It is noted that in half a year it increased by 1,483 105.4 million rubles (7.8 percent).

Internal debt of Russia increased by 1.435 trillion rubles (9.7 percent) – up to 16,187 trillion rubles. Its share in the total volume of public debt for the first half of the year rose from 77.9 to 79.3 percent. External debt rose by $ 1.839 billion (3.2 percent) – up to $ 58.542 billion. At the same time, in ruble equivalent, these indicators amounted to 47.871 billion rubles (1.1 percent) and 4.237 trillion rubles, respectively.

The expenses of the Russian budget for the service of the public debt at the specified period amounted to 506 billion rubles. In this case, 434.5 billion came to the domestic debt.

/Media reports.