Taliban urged translators to stay in Afghanistan

“Taliban” (a terrorist organization forbidden in Russia) promises the security of translators who worked for foreigners. This was announced at a press conference by the official representative of the movement of Zabikhulla Mujahid, aljazeera reports.

“We want to assure Afghan translators, [who worked for foreign troops], in which they will ensure security, and call them not to escape from the country,” the Mujahide assured.

Many Afghans fear for their lives and try to escape from the country after August 15 captured Kabul. Especially strong militant reprisals are afraid of those who collaborate with the military from the USA and NATO. So, at the end of July, the militants beheaded a translator who worked on the Americans. At the man attacked one of the locations near Kabul and killed right at his car.

/Media reports.