In UK detained a record number of illegal migrants by boats

In the UK, in the past Saturday, illegal migrants were detained – 828 people who swapped La Mans for 30 small boats to get to the kingdom. This indicator is a record per day. It reports “BBC” with reference to the Ministry of the Interior of the country.

It is noted that the authorities of France on the same day detained 193 people by 10 boats. On Sunday and Monday there were no such incidents, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Great Britain said.

According to the source information, 12.5 thousand people arrived from the beginning of the year to the banks of the kingdom, and the last record for arriving migrant was recorded in Britain on August 12, then the authorities were intercepted 592 illegal.

In August, a record per day at that time of illegal immigrants was reported – at least 482 people crossed them through the strait of La Mans and landed on the coast of the British County Count. Due to the influx of migrants, the country’s armed forces stopped military exercises at the landfill in the seaside city of Height.

/Media reports.