One of the founders of the PROUD BOYS reaction group (“Proud guys”) Henry Tarrio gave more than five months of prison for burning the flag of Marxist Black Lives Matter (BLM, “the life of black are important”) at the rally for the former US President Donald Trump. This is reported by the AXIOS edition.
Tarrio was arrested in connection with the action in December in Washington – he participated in the burnt of the flag of BLM, who was previously stolen from the facade of the historic church of black Americans. In addition, he was accused of trying to get prohibited by the state of a high-capacity store for firearms.
Activist acknowledged that he burned the flag, but did not know where the burned banner was stolen. On the act of the act, for which he was judged, he did not show any repentance and even wrote in social networks, which is proud of the deed. Later, he, however, apologized, but the judge who considered the case came to the conclusion that Tarrio does not repent. The prosecutor’s office requested for him three months in prison and three months of conditional period, the court awarded him 155 days of imprisonment.
In the early 2021, there was information that Tarrio worked for some time by the informant of the American special services. It is reported that he did it after it was convicted of fraud.