Calculated human strength

Russian scientists of the Siberian Federal University, together with foreign colleagues, developed a way to predict the occurrence of the crisis in the human body and other complex systems. The method of determining the strength of living organisms using adaptation models is reported in the article published in the magazine of Physics of Life Reviews.

It is known that with an increase in the load from the environmental factors, in the conditions of the crisis and before the onset of obvious signs of stress, the correlation is increasing between different parameters of complex systems. Within 30 years, this effect is confirmed by numerous observations of groups of people, mice, trees, grassy plants and financial temporal rows. Over the past ten years, these results have been complemented by many new experiments from gene networks to the dynamics of depression and clinical psychotherapy.

several models systems were developed: the thermodynamic theory of adaptation of ensembles and several families of individual adaptation models. In the new work, researchers analyzed correlation graphs that allow you to designate paired links between objects of a certain set. It turned out that during adaptation to stressful factors, the behavior of these links is universal regardless of sets of parameters. This makes it possible to predict the onset of the crisis point where the effect of environmental factors will have a negative impact on a living organism.

/Media reports.