Biden threatened Taliban fast response to trying to interfere with evacuation

US President Joe Biden during a speech in the White House threatened Taliban (the organization is prohibited in the Russian Federation) a rapid and strong answer to any attempt to prevent evacuation at the Kabul airport. His words leads TASS.

“We clearly stated Taliban that any attack on our forces or an obstacle to the evacuation process at the airport will receive a quick and strong answer. We also carefully track any potential terrorist threat on the territory or around the airport,” the American leader stressed.

Biden noted that the United States focuses on coordination with allies and partners. He discussed what was happening with the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, President of France by Emmanuel Makron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Also next week it is planned to meet “Big Seven” to respond to the situation in Afghanistan.

The United States also restored the flights of civil flights from Kabul airport.

President met with the vice-president, Secretary of State, the head of the Pentagon, the National Security Assistant to resolve the issue of evacuating American citizens, allies, representatives of third countries and Afghans in a vulnerable position.

Currently evacuated more than 18 thousand people from July and about 13 thousand – from August 14. Currently in Afghanistan there are about six thousand US military.

Earlier, the Reuters Agency with reference to the sources in the US government reported that the United States worries that the Taliban will threaten the American weapons to the peaceful population of Afghanistan. As officials declare, the administration of the American president Joe Bayiden considers the option of applying air strikes on the largest facilities in Afghanistan, where American weapons are stored. However, officials fear that it can cause taliban discontent.

/Media reports.