The Ministry of Georgue of Russia clarified the rules according to which the fathers receive maternity capital. Now it will be able to place a new category of Russians, reports RIA Novosti with reference to the deputy department.
In the department, they explained that at the moment the rules for obtaining the fathers of the Matkapapal were specified by decision of the Constitutional Court. The proposed changes will allow payments in that situation if the father is the only parent of a child born by a surrogate mother, and his spouse stands as adopter.
According to the current rules, Matcapital have the right to receive spouses who brought up children born by the surrogate mother if both of them are parents. In a situation where a father was a father for such a child, and his spouse is a adopter, payments were not assumed.
“With this position, the Ministry of Russia, changes in federal legislation were developed, which will allow families where a man was the only parent of the second child, born after January 1, 2007, as well as the first child, born after January 1, 2020 by a surrogate mother, And the spouse – adopted the child, getting maternity capital, “- noted in the Mintrude.
Previously, Matratipital was offered to extend to single fathers. These recommendations were formulated in the Committee on family, women and children.