Russia told about project of working 30 years of underwater gas station

In Russia, there are projects on global development of the Day of the World Ocean with the help of robots, tells Tass Observer Dmitry Litovkin.

The author writes that the central design bureau (CB) of the Rubin marine equipment and the Fund of promising research (FPI) work over the autonomous energy complex. The observer reminds that this product is a capsule, in one compartment of which there is a 24 megawatt reactor, and in the other – a turbogenerator installation.

“In essence, it is a submarine gas station for uninhabited underwater vehicles, which are producing minerals at the bottom of the seas and oceans. The system is able to work at the ocean’s day of about 30 years. At the same time, the time of its continuous activity without maintenance will be at least 8 thousand hours, “- Publications say.

In August “Star” made that elements of the Russian nuclear torpedo “Poseidon” could be tested on the deep-water descent “Clavsine-1R”.

/Media reports.