Ex-Foreign Minister Vitold Vashchikovsky said that the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov wants to destabilize the eastern part of Europe, to which allegedly indicate his statements about visa-free cross-border exchanges with Poland and Lithuania. This is stated in his interview WPOLITYCE.
Polish diplomat said that Poland and its neighbors recently managed to “achieve stability”. According to him, this happened due to the presence of American forces in the region.
RIA Novosti notes that Russian Foreign Minister really called on Polish colleagues to restore the agreement on cross-border cooperation.
Kashchikovsky is convinced that the idea of Lavrov cannot be implemented because it will lead to the massive influx of refugees. This assumption is associated with a crisis that broke out in Eastern Europe in the spring of 2021: local politicians accuse the Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko in that he deliberately provokes the influx of migrants to Europe. Large groups of migrants from the countries of the Middle East and Africa began to storm the boundaries of Lithuania for asylum in European countries. Later illegals began to detain on the borders of Latvia and Poland and return back.
Sergey Lavrov – a member of the first five to candidates of the State Duma from the party “United Russia”.