Former guy of American actress and singer Jennifer Lopez, Baseball player Alex Rodriguez, took her supercar from her, who had previously gave her birthday. To this conclusion came the star fans after the photo, which he published in Instagram , writes The Sun.
It is about the red car of the German manufacturer Porsche, which Rodriguez bought a beloved in 2019 in honor of her 50th anniversary. It is noted that the athlete spent 140 thousand dollars (about 11 million rubles).
In the picture, which appeared in the social network on Thursday, August 19, Rodriguez posing in a beige suit at the car, leaning on her hood. “I am super-ground,” he signed a post, which scored about one hundred thousand likes.
Some subscribers did not appreciate the act of baseball player. “Brutally positive at the car, which he himself presented Jennifer Lopez for a birthday. Laugh,” how did you dare to pick up Porsche from her? “, What a unworthy act,” they spoke.
Rodriguez himself did not comment on the situation.
On April 15, Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez announced that they broke the engagement and broke up after four years of relationship. In July, the actress confirmed rumors about reuniting with the former beloved Ben Affleck, with which he met in the 2000s.