After a year and a half developments Published Desktop Release Release Mate 1.26 , within which the development of the GNOME 2.32 code base is continued while preserving the classical concept of the formation of the desktop. Installation packages with Mate 1.26 in the near future will be prepared for Arch Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSUSE , ALT and other distributions.
In a new release:
- Continue porting Mate applications for Wayland. To work without binding to X11, ATRIL, System Monitor, Text Editor Pluma, Terminal Emulator and other components of the desktop are adapted to work.
- Calculator and terminal emulator are adapted to use the Meson assembly system.
- significantly expanded the capabilities of the text editor PUMA. Added a survey mini-card, which allows you to reach the contents of the entire document document. A background template is proposed in the form of a grid that simplifies the use of PLUMA in the form of a notebook. In the plugin sorting content, the ability to roll back changes. Added hot key Ctrl + y to enable / disable the display of lines. Removed dialogue with settings.
- A new plug-in system has been added to the text editor, with which Pluma can be turned into a full-fledged integrated development environment with such functions such as brackets, commenting of code blocks, input circuits and built-in terminal.
- In the Confauro (Control Center), additional options are implemented in the window settings section. In the Screen Settings dialog, an option to control the screen scaling appears.
- The notifications appeared the possibility of insertion into the hyperlink messages. Added support for the applet “Do not disturb”, temporarily disabled output notifications.
- In the open-window list applet, an option appeared option to disable the scroll with the mouse and the clarity of the display of the sketches of windows, which are now drawn in the form of SAIRO surfaces.
- In the NetSpeed Traffic Indicator, the default information and added support is NetLink.
- Calculator is translated into using the GNU MPFR / MPC library, providing more accurate and fast computing, as well as providing additional features. Added the ability to view the history of calculations and changes in the window size. Significantly increased the rate of factorization of integers and erection to the degree in module.
/Media reports.