Deputies of Communist Party of Communist Party of Communist Party of Russian Federation made a project to return old retirement age

Group of deputies of the Communist Party of the Communist Party and Senator Vasily Iconnikov contributed a bill to the State Duma on the return of the previous retirement age from January 1, 2022. This is reported by TASS.

According to deputies, instead of increasing the retirement age in 2018, it was necessary to improve the mechanism of financial support for the insurance pension system. For example, by replenishing it at the expense of part of taxes.

reasons for the return of the old retirement age

According to the authors of the initiative, the Russian economy does not need an increase in the number of employees. They noted that the Russians are complaining about the deterioration of health. In addition, due to this, there will be an increase in the burden on the social insurance fund.

“With an increase in retirement age, an incomparably greater number of citizens will seek disabilities,” they say in the party. In addition, if you do not return the former retirement age, there is a risk of unemployment growth, including among young people.

At the same time, in March, the draft law of Iconnikov rejected in the Russian government to decline the age of an old-age insurance pension. Then he offered to reduce the age of access to an element pension from 65 years to 61 for men and from 60 to 56 years for women. Also, Senator played a decrease in the work experience for early retirement.

new increase in retirement age

In June, representatives of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs stated that raising the retirement age, as well as the decrease in the amount of pension is not considered.

Member of the State Duma Committee on Labor and Social Policy Mikhail Tarasenko noted that it all depends on labor productivity. “And I think that we will not only do not have to raise the retirement age, and we will even have excessive labor, thanks to the robotization and automation of production,” he said. Speaking about the possibility of reducing the pension, the politician noted that it is no longer anywhere. “

retire ahead of schedule

In April, in April, the Pension Fund of Russia (FFR) reminded that some Russians may retire early from this year.

For the first time, Russians of born in 1965, which have four children can take advantage of this right. From 2023, women who gave birth to three children and their cultivation before reaching the age of eight years, the pension will be appointed in 57 years. Mothers not less than five children can retire at 50 years.

In addition, the early retirement is provided for Russians with an employment experience of 42 years for men and 37 years for women. Residents of the Far North can retire early earlier than the established general requirements if their minimum experience is 15 years.

In families, where a disabled child is brought up to the age of eight years, one of the parents can retire ahead of time. In addition, the first pensions have the right to claim the guardian of the disabled since childhood.

/Media reports.