Humanity predicted refusal of smartphones in ten years

Director for Digital Products of the group Veon George Held predicted humanity to refuse smartphones in ten years. According to him, this device will become Rudiment, and more advanced technologies will come to him, RIA Novosti reports.

Specialist noted that currently the mobile device needs only for user authentication and information transmission. He clarified that identifying a person can otherwise, for example, in the face or fingerprints and voice, and information can be projected onto a wall or mirror using an Iot sensor (IoT – Internet of Things, “Internet of Things”).

“Therefore, the phone is Rudiment, after 10 years it will not be, it will be replaced by us, people. And grandmother, who has lost in the city center, will not need to call anywhere: she can ask the wall” How can I get home? “, And the wall will show her the route with the arrow,” the Held futuristic forecast gave.

He concluded that the smartphone, like an implanted chip, is an outdated technology, so in ten years she will outrage itself.

Earlier, American scientists have created a device that allows you to produce energy from human fingers. It is a thin strip, which is attached to the tips of the phalange. The largest amount of electricity is produced during the selection of sweat and contact of the finger with surfaces (piezoelectric effect).

/Media reports.