Afghan special forces disbanded

The housing of the Afghan army of special purpose is disbanded, the entire personnel is dismissed. This was officially reported by the press service of the elite unit, “Interfax” reports.

There also noted that the unit did not allow negligence and made everything necessary to save the lives of the lives of the country’s people and property.

On the eve, on August 15, the Taliban’s terrorist movement forbidden in Russia announced the control over the territory of Afghanistan. Previously, the fighters of the movement entered the capital, Kabul. At the same time, the President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani left the country and went to Tashkent, explaining this to the desire to avoid bloodshed.

Russian President of Russia in Afghanistan, Director of the Second Asian Foreign Ministry, Zamir Kabulov, said that Russia is still in no hurry to recognize the power of Taliban. He stressed that Moscow will observe the behavior of the new government.

/Media reports.