Ambassador of Russia stated guarding Taliban Embassy “Adequate Men”

Ambassador of Russia in Afghanistan Dmitry Zhirnov called the Militants of the Radical Movement “Taliban” (prohibited in the Russian Federation), guarding Russian dipms in Kabul, “adequate men.” He stated this on the air TV channel “Russia 24”.

“Now they are guarded by the Taliban, a big squad. A good impression was made to us very much, adequate men, well armed, got up at the external perimeter embassy so that no one could penetrate to us – no terrorist, no crazy,” said Golden .

Ambassador also noted that in Kabul, when Taliban became “unusual quiet” without explosions and shooting.

Previously, Zhirnov said that the Taliban promised to achieve peaceful transit of power. According to the diplomat, the Taliban were unarmed when they entered Kabul. In addition, they immediately promised to ensure the safety of foreign diplomatic. “The Vacuum of Power, of course, affects: in Kabul, they will shoot armed marauders, the smell of Gary comes. But to say that the situation has occurred, it is impossible,” said Zhirnov.

The situation in Afghanistan especially aggravated in recent weeks, with the onset of the Taliban for major cities. It happened after the output of US troops from the country.

/Media reports.