“Work is what you are truly passionate about”

Tests of the aggregate-fitting and welding shop Viktor Tolkach came to the Roskosmos Roskosmospics Center (part of the state corporation “Roscosmos”) in 2014 with a diploma on the end of the Samara Technical Space Engineering.

Victor Tolkach: “I was delighted with the opportunity to work at one of the largest enterprises of the rocket and space industry. In my opinion, it is very responsible and honorable.”

With the help of an experienced mentor, Victor has comprehended the Aza profession. Over time, he began to trust complex operations, and he, in turn, gradually improved the skill and increased the discharge. As a result, Doros until the 5th. In addition, without separation from the production graduated from the Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics.

Currently, Victor is a brigadier on the test site. In the zone of responsibility of the young locksmith testing, there are tests of titanium ball-cylinders, which are sealed spherical structures from two interconnected hemispheres. These components are designed to store under high pressure of various gases, which are used in pneumatic systems of carrier and spacecraft.

“work for me is not just a way to earn money for life. This is what I am truly passionate about,” Victor confesses.

Following the results of 2020, Viktor Tolkach test followed by the best young workers of the enterprises.

/Media reports.