Hundreds of terrorists were freed from prison under Kabul and headed to capital

After the capture of the entire territory of Afghanistan, the militants of the radical terrorist movement “Taliban” (prohibited in Russia) freed hundreds of dangerous prisoners from Puli-Charch prison, located near the capital of the republic. About it reports The Wall Street Journal.

It is noted that the Bully Charch Prison is considered the largest in the country. Among the liberated criminals there were many Talibans, as well as members of the Al-Qaida terrorist organization (prohibited in Russia). Terrorists and killers massively headed in Kabul.

Previously, representatives of the Taliban announced the seizure of the entire territory of Afghanistan. The militants arrived at the Presidential Palace in Kabul to negotiate with state leaders in order to transfer power. After that, the President of the Republic resigned, a temporary government began to form in the country.

The civilians of Kabul began to massively leave the city after reporting the capture of the Taliban. Panic began in the city, large-scale traffic jams were formed on the roads. At the same time, high-ranking Afghan officials arrived at the capital airport to leave the country.

/Media reports.